1-4 persons, directly beneath the chair-lifts, ideal for individualists, couples, families, who like nature! 1600m up in the Austrian Alps, for alpine skier and snow boarder. Fantastic starting point for skiing and winter walking tours of all levels.
EUR 115,-
or 132,-
per night
1-6 persons, directly beneath the chair-lifts, ideal for individualists, couples, families, who like nature! 1600m up in the Austrian Alps, for alpine skier and snow boarder. Fantastic starting point for skiing and winter walking tours of all levels.
EUR 115,-
or 132,-
per night
What our clients think:
family Schmied:
...the X-mas holidays for me and the children were great. We don't want to miss the luxury to live directly beneath the pists and chairlifts...
family Baumgartner:
Dear Mr. Umfer - as every year we loved it again to stay in your apartment...
family Mayr:
..like every year it was wonderful at the Planneralm. Therefore we love to come again next year into your nice apartment too...
family Wallner, clients for many years:
.. we want to say "thank you" for the wonderful holiday and for the champaign...
ERLEBNISCAMP NORDLAND A-8900 Selzthal - Austria, Hauptstraße 4 Phone: +43-664-9138133 info@nordland.at
A-8900 Selzthal - Austria, Hauptstraße 4 Phone: +43-664-9138133 info@nordland.at